Before commencing your flight training for your Commercial Pilot’s Licence (CPL), you will need 150 hours of total flight time in your flying logbook. When you eventually apply for your CPL to be issued, you will need at least 200 hours total time. Of these hours, 100 must be as Pilot in Command (PIC), including 20 hours of cross country flying, with one cross country flight of at least 300 nm, during which 2 full stop landings will be made at aerodromes other than the one of departure. You will also need to have completed the training for the issue of a night rating.
The period between PPL issue and commencing CPL training is great fun. You will be building your PIC time to 100+ hours, and studying and writing your ATPL written examinations, building your knowledge concurrently with building your flying hours.
Its important that you build those hours wisely, using the time to gain well-rounded flying experience. Be aware that lots of solo flying at this early stage tends to lead to developing bad habits and complacency, so it is important to take steps to avoid this and preserve the progress you have made.
Above and Beyond School of Flying will construct a bespoke hours-building package for you, focusing on where you are now in terms of flying confidence and capability, and taking you to a point at which you are ready to commence CPL training. We will design a progressive flight programme tailored for you, starting with some straightforward flights, then building to more challenging flights, taking in more complex airspace incorporating MATZ and Zone transits, and developing your navigational skills towards CPL flight test standard. You will start to operate as if you were a commercial pilot engaged in a single crew commercial air transport flight. You will produce weight and balance calculations, performance calculations, and will check NOTAMS and weather, carrying out thorough pre-flight planning in a timely and efficient manner.
Periodically you will fly with an instructor, and you will fly CPL flight test profiles to get you ready for the standards that will be expected during CPL training and during the CPL skill test. CAA Standards Document 3 section 3.1.6 simply states that the CPL skill test is very demanding.
As the costs of CPL training are potentially substantial, you will want to complete the CPL course in the minimum number of hours as possible while putting yourself in the best possible position to excel at the CPL flight test. The purpose of your bespoke hours-building package is to place you in exactly that position as you cross the start line of your CPL course.
There must be some fun as well! Flying will always be a high-cost activity, but you could look at reducing hours-building costs by sharing them. When you are ready, you could consider advertising some cost-sharing trips on Wingy (a cost-sharing platform) and it may be possible to integrate those flights into your overall hours-building experience. Please see:
To get from where you are to where you want to be, with a thoroughly professional approach to hours-building, call us on 02476 639222, and let us build a bespoke programme for you.